Decreasing of coercion and restricitions and support in prevention and coping with conflicts in psychiatric inpatient treatment
@EEA and Norway Grants
Detailed information and all project materials can be found on the website Safety in Psychiatry:
Title of the project:
Education for improving human rights situation of people with mental disorder (LP-HRMGSA-040)
1st January 2022 – 30 April 2024
University of South-Eastern Norway
Psychiatric hospitals and wards involved in the project:
Psychiatric hospital Bohnice, Horní Beřkovice and
Jihlava, Teaching Hospital in Ostrava and
Plzeň and
Military University Hospital in Prague
Project manager:
Lenka Březinová
Supervisors: Tomáš Petr, Marek Procházka a Pavel Říčan
Project summary.
News and outputs of the project:
Initial meeting took place in February 2022. Project team and representatives from six involved wards met in Prague to present, discuss and plan goals and activities of the project. Professor Bengt Eirik Karlsson from University of South-Eastern Norway joined the meeting online to get to know with participants and present the program of study visits planned in the project.
Work on
Methodology of recording the restraints started in March 2022 by the first meeting of expert group composed of project supervisors and members of involved psychiatric wards. Each ward was presented and ambiguous topics in recording of restraints were discussed. At the same time, supervisors started the monitoring visits in individual wards to map the environment, way of work and recording of restraints to collect experience for the methodology and to be able to evaluate changes lately in the project.
First part of
education for management of involved inpatient psychiatric facilities is planned in the end of April 2022. The participants will learn more about connection between
human rights and psychiatric inpatient treatment. An overview of important rights and oblligations as well as the point of view of a person with own experience will be proposed.
Safewards Model
Brøset Violence Checklist (BVC) is one of very few risk assessment tools that can predict aggression in a 24 hour perspective.
Björkdahl, A., Palmstierna, T. & Hansebo, G. (2010).
The bulldozer and the ballet dancer: aspects of nurses' caring approaches in acute psychiatric intensive care. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 17(6), 510-518. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2850.2010.01548.x
Voskes, Y., Kemper, M., Landeweer, E. G. & Widdershoven G. A. (2014).
Preventing seclusion in psychiatry: A care ethics perspective on the first five minutes at admission. Nursing Ethics 21(7), 766-773. DOI: 10.1177/0969733013493217