Involvement of peer specialists - a way to fight stigma
Involvement of peer specialists – a way to fight stigma
Time frame: July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2018
main objective of the project is to train people having experienced mental health problems to be prepared for work on the
position of peer specialists. It aims also to support the establishment of this position
in 20 teams providing the mental health care outside of Prague. Within the project and in collaboration with its participants
a guide-book called “How to face stigma and discrimination” will be issued, applicable as a work tool for the peer specialists and as a support of their unique role within the team.
Project schedule and main activities:
Opening meeting for the representatives of organizations that wish to create the peer specialist position in their teams.
- Presentation of the project and of the peer consultant role.
- Mapping visions and requirements of the teams.
- Setting criteria of selection of candidates for peer consultant position.
- Recent Dutch experience of involving peer specialists.
10/2016 – 01/2017:
Selection of peer specialists candidates
- Methodological support of the team to engage a peer specialist: one-day meeting (8 hours) held in Prague in presence of 2 representatives of each team/organization.
- Professional support provided by the project implementer during the process of selection of candidates for peer specialist positions.
02/2017 – 05/2017:
Professional training of the candidates
- Basic training for peer specialists – a five-day accredited course.
- One-week internship within an organization/team that has successfully implemented the peer specialist position.
06/2017 – 06/2018:
Paid internship (job) for selected and trained candidates in the teams and further support provided for their position
- Consultations and methodological support: methodological meetings for teams (3 meetings for each team, a total of 6 hours), intervision for team managers (2 intervision meetings in Prague), group supervision for peer specialists (once every 2 months during the first 6 months, then according to need), consultancy support for the teams according to current need.
- Remuneration of the peer specialist’s half-time job during a 6-month period (07 – 12/2017).
12/2017 – 06/2018:
Further professional development of peer specialists
Support to the peer specialists involved in the project, as well as to other workers on the same position, in form of a 5-day course called “The Role of peer specialist”, focused on perfecting the basic knowledge and skills in this field.
02/2017 – 06/2018:
Evaluation of the peer specialists engagement and work on the practical guide-book supporting their role
- Quantitative and qualitative evaluation based on the reflection made by the teams and peer specialists (moderated discussion).
- Questionnaire survey focusing on the staff attitudes towards people with mental health problems and on self-stigma of the peer specialists, in collaboration with the National Institute of Mental Health.
- Creation of the guide-book focusing on stigma and discrimination, in collaboration with the peer specialists involved in the project (3 four-hour meetings of peer specialists during the project period).
05 – 06/2018:
Closing meeting held in Prague – outcomes and evaluation of the project, meeting of all participants.
Support for the involvement of peer specialists in teams and their training will be provided by experts in the field of methodological support and peer specialists education as well as by experienced peer specialists.
Contact: Barbora Holá, e-mail:, GSM: (+420) 775 555 517