Support of the transformation process of care for people with mental disorders and people with learning difficulties in Moldova
The goal of the project is the improvement of life conditions of people with mental disabilities, with an emphasis on the respect for human rights in Moldova.
The overall aim of the project is: the support and enhancement of staff’s abilities of community residential services and the support of the process of social inclusion.
At the same time, with the assistance of the local experts, through sharing experience and knowledge (an expert-supervisor, an expert in the field of labour and social inclusion), will support the sustainability of the project activities implemented in 2015-2017 also in 2018.
The milestones of the project are:
1. The support of the workers of sheltered houses in the work with clients in community conditions.
For this purpose:
- 10 supervision meetings for 16 workers in sheltered houses will be organized, namely in the localities Bădiceni (2 houses), Pelinia and Edineț (all together 4 houses). In order to enhance the effectiveness of the contribution of specialised expertise of the Czech good practice, the supervision will be provided also to the workers in other sheltered houses in the same region, in Zgurita (2 houses).
- The coaching of the Moldavian expert – supervisor will be implemented
- 2 meetings of the transformation teams will take place, including a presentation of a good practice
- Consultations for 8 workers in sheltered houses in the field of labour and social inclusion will take place
- The coaching of the Moldavian experts in the field of employment and social inclusion
2. The support of the clients in the field of labour and social inclusion
For this purpose:
- A detailed assessment of the needs and wishes of 24 clients will be implemented in the field of employment
- Support for 12 clients in the process of searching employment on the labour market will be provided
- Purchase of equipment to support clients' work activities
- 6 neighbourhood meetings will take place in the localities Bădiceni, Pelinia and Edineț
3. The support of the process of the transformation of the institutional care by Czech experts
For this purpose:
- 5 specialized, expert consultations for the National Social Assistance Agency will be provided
Partner institutions involved in the project:
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection in the Republic of Moldova (
Člověk v tísni, o.p.s. / People in need Moldova ( )
Project implementation period: January - December 2018
Contact person:
Markéta Hulmáková (Project manager), tel.: +420 775 582 223,
Pavel Říčan (Manager of the expert team), tel.: +420 775 552 166,